...sounds nice, right? Wanna go for a ride?
mood swing?
The hardest part right now of settling into being a single gal is the mood swings that go along with such a big life change. One day is the best day ever, the next I'm struggling to find the motivation to pour cereal into a bowl and eat it. But there is one thing that is never compromised and that's coffee. Sweet nectar of the gods.
I have been keeping myself busy, just like my doctor encouraged. This part isn't hard. I have so many amazing people in my life and I'm blessed that they want to and seek to spend time with me.
I've also been reading some really great books, tackling projects that challenge me creatively, and I even took a sambo class at Storm Crow Dojo in Menands Friday night. I like trying new things and this was really fun. I got to throw people around and get thrown around myself. Score! Really, up until I got home from that class Friday night I was doing really great.
And then the funk settled in and it lingered all weekend. Stress shows itself to me in the form of me beginning to get run down and sick, I become very tired. But if I know anything about depressive cycles it's that it passes and the most important thing I can do is to just keep moving, even if it's slow.
So, yesterday I spent time at my sewing machine, creating my first set of moisture wicking boxing glove deodorizers. They smell nice - they are scented with tea tree oil in rice. I'm thinking I may make a bunch of these to sell. They kept me busy, they are purposeful, and I have a lot of random scraps of fabric that would make each pair very unique.
And I also made a kick-ass soup and it will be featured today at noon on the ilovekickboxing Clifton Park fan page. This made me happy yesterday, to sit and eat something hot, delicious and filling. Getting by is really all about the little things.