When I'm at work, I'm very grounded. I'm able to focus; I'm surrounded by happy, like-minded people who lift me up. I just love what I get to do! The shift flies by and boom, I'm vacuuming the the body crumbs from the mat of a hundred sweaty, victorious people. (Side note: I hope to find someone some day that is truly passionate about what they do. They will then understand my passions and not feel resentful toward them. Because damn. This girl is passionate about a variety of things!)
I even got a little gift yesterday from a member - a nice reminder to always be looking up. :) AND OWLS. Seriously. OWLS.
I freaking love owls, in case you weren't sure.
However, when I'm in my new home, my focus slips. I sit for long periods of time with music playing on Pandora. I nap on the couch. No, I am not depressed. I am just enjoying my time.
I make small strides in re-organization and re-evaluating the items around me and their purpose in my new life. But, mostly I just try and stay grounded and notice all the beauty around me. I like the solitude. It helps me think, it helps me recharge. Basically, being by myself is helping me focus, in an unfocused way, on my own self-improvement and growth. Sometimes the road to better things is on the path of least resistance. Not everything has to be a fight.
But I stop and smell the roses. Check out this amazing - but strange - rock that lives out in my yard.
How did that face get there? What was it before? And why is it in my yard? I have no idea but I LOVE IT. That's all I know.
In other news/personal growth: starting February 12th, I am going to be on a monthly rotation with my church with providing the church volunteers with food. I'm kinda psyched about this because another passion of mine is food and I love sharing that with people! I wish I could start this project this weekend but realistically, I'm out pretty much all day Friday and Saturday with previously scheduled social engagements...I won't have much time to even cook for myself, much less a group of 12.
I sense I was asked to volunteer to pull me back into the church and I am totally okay with that. I need that accountability and it's nice to feel welcome, wanted, and noticed. I want to connect more at church and part of me feels super guilty that it has been a while since I've been consistent. I feel like people see that written on my forehead. I'm crazy, I know. But this is a new chapter in my life and regular church attendance and connections with those inside of it is all a part of it.
In February, as well, growth groups start. And my amazing neighbors run a group right out of their apartment. To say I was meant to be right where I am right now is a severe understatement. I don't think I've said it enough, actually. I was meant to be here.