Sunday, February 12, 2017

I'm in my glory!

What did I do on this amazingly beautiful Sunday snow day?  Besides venturing out for church, I holed myself up in my craft room and made things.  I was a slave to my sewing machine today to create glove deodorizers.

Seriously, one of my biggest hobbies of late is sewing.  Visiting a craft store is like being a kid at a candy store - this girl literally. can't. even.  I want to make all the things all the time and I talk about my ideas a LOT.

I also take a ridiculous amount of pictures of my dog.  Because every day she gets cuter and I have to document it.

This is her after watching The Walking Dead with me.  I don't blame her boredom; I struggled with the mid-season premier but I'm a true fan and I keep pushing along with the series, even if I don't understand the direction it's going in all the time.

Sure, I talk about my job because it's awesome.  I like talking about exercising and eating healthy.

But yesterday, I found myself chatting someone's ear off about how excited I was about the different types of vegetable seeds I purchased.  Not only that, I bought a book about small space gardening because I am SO PUMPED to dud out my little patio with veggies and berries.  I know I've been talking about this a lot.  I've been collecting things to organize this dream patio garden for the past couple of weeks.

Anyway, the seed/gardening conversation hit me ~ This is the type of woman I am at 33.  I like crafts, gardening, my dog, healthy living...these are my hobbies (among some other things).

When I was younger, I guess I felt more vibrant and interesting.  I was all about going out, taking the night by storm, dancing until the early hours, drinking myself stupid, taking risks.  I probably felt like I had a lot more to prove than I do now.  33 is very much like - well.  This is me.

Last night was Saturday night and I was home shortly after 7 p.m., chopping up vegetables for the chili I was taking to church this morning.  That was my Saturday night - in my pajamas with a friend, making chili, going to bed at a reasonable hour in horribly mismatched clothing.  We even talked about me blogging about this topic, because on top of all that, YES, I obviously also enjoy blogging.

This girl right here?  She's a WINNER!  And she is ME!  Take a number, everyone!

I like talking about things that I want to do in my future, what I want my future to look like - my future house, my future career path, how I imagine myself feeling, living, doing.

I talk about my church, the messages, and my Growth Group because it excites me and I want everyone to know about it.

I talk about things I've learned, mistakes I've made, successes I've had.

I guess it hit me last night that unless someone's on the same wavelength as I am - I am likely very, very dull.  The right kind of person will be interested in my gardening dreams, fascinated with talk and ideas of self-improvement, tolerant of my talk of creating things and will love FeeBee like I do.