Wednesday, July 19, 2017

From a bad week to a great one!

"Life's funny sometimes..."

More like all the time.

Grab a snack, a drink, and sit down while I share with you parts of last week.

It started off with a filling falling out over the weekend. No big deal but it was uncomfortable and it rubbed until I could get it filled on Wednesday morning. I opted for no Novocaine, so while it wasn't unnecessarily painful, it was uncomfortable and super cold. My teeth are sensitive because apparently I brush my teeth like they've offended me in some way, despite using a soft bristled toothbrush.

At that appointment, the dentist recommended I see an oral surgeon to have them check my tongue for oral cancer. Some of you may know this but it's an anxious habit of mine to bite the taste buds off of my tongue. I don't even realize I am doing it most of the time. I did relay that to my dentist but she wants me to get checked out anyway just because while she's confident it's nothing, it's nice to just have a second look. 


Thursday night, I had an ultrasound on my pelvis for pelvic pain. They saw that I have a cyst on my left ovary; the pain from that is what brought me in because it seems to have gotten worse over the past few months. I can even feel it during certain exercises at this point which is weird. I find that I need to be careful with lower ab exercises and when I feel the discomfort to just move slower and with more control.

Then my girlfriend's apartment complex gave her a hard time about her watching Adam during the day; apparently neighbors complained about her having two dogs. Sigh.  Adam doesn't live there - he just plays there or at my place since she doesn't work Monday through Friday and why keep him in a crate? So we were faced with that dilemma, but really, it's not a huge deal. It was a minor annoyance on top of other things.

Meanwhile, yes, my divorce is still going on. But that was a positive event of last week; finding out that my ex-husband can refinance was a huge win! I'm so happy we're moving toward a resolution and I'm just proud of him for getting himself to a point where he could refinance.

Last week it was hard to keep positive with medical issues weighing on me. I cried at my ultrasound because I wondered after such a nerve-wracking day, why I opted to go to that appointment alone. Why didn't I ask someone to come with me? Why am I determined to do most things alone?  I just wanted to catch a break.

But I knew the stress over troubles would only just last the week. It's just funny how things pile on and pile on until you just have to break down and cry.  It's amazing how I can feel so blessed in countless ways but at the same time overwhelmed and frustrated.

This week is very different. So many good things!  Our sales have picked up on Etsy. I am getting a small windfall of cash from a refund of a doctor's fee I paid a year ago. The weather's amazing - hot, but amazing. I have a fabulous relationship where I can be my crazy self, a great job, a growing business, a very cool network of people surrounding me.

This is the break I was craving last week but am getting now - I just had to keep pulling through, despite feeling like the world was taking a huge dump on me.

Maybe you're wondering why I'm sharing this - I don't know. I feel compelled to because we all struggle with different things and sometimes we do it silently. I just want to say ~ it's okay to struggle. It's okay to feel like things are just not right. But keep positive - keep moving forward, and enjoy the good things that happen along the way. Big or small.