Yesterday, I was feisty and I seemed to have struck a raw spot in a live video on Facebook that I posted. A couple of people took the time to write me private message about it - one agreed with me and the other clearly didn't understand my message and was offended by it.
It really got me thinking about how social media has changed so much of how we think and feel as a whole.
It is now acceptable behavior for us to connect with one another with the sole purpose of selling them something. This was the underlying message in my video - despite the distracted ranting of how there is no magic pill for the perfect body (because, being in the fitness industry for the past few years now, this really, really irks me).
I have personally noticed an increase in people's private agendas. Due to the nature of my career, I have to pay close attention to social media. I get frequent friend requests, most of the time from strangers. That's fine - but what isn't acceptable to me is that people don't even try to get to know me first before they launch into a sales pitch via Facebook messenger. Sell what you want on your Facebook page, but I find it rude and presumptive to send someone a private message inviting them to try some revolutionary, life-changing product and then be pressured to join their "team" with the promise of a lucrative extra income.
Guess what? I've been in direct sales before. It's not my favorite because it does require that almost...pushy...personality. I don't know of a single person who enjoys pushy people. I was a Jamberry consultant for a hot second because it was fun and I loved the products and the discount. I also loved the ability to meet new people because at the time I worked in an office. Once I started at ilovekickboxing, I didn't have the time for it anymore. I made a few extra bucks. Not a ton, but that's not why I was doing it.
So, I'm not going to apologize for not wanting to be constantly sold to and annoyed by people's agendas. If I messaged you every week (especially if you don't respond to any of my messages) about my fitness program, you may get annoyed by it too. You might even block me. Maybe you'd even post a nasty message on my Facebook wall for all to see. Maybe you'd sit behind your phone and wish diarrhea on me.
Anyway, it got me thinking about other things that I don't think people should have to apologize for*:
- taking time to yourself;
- how we choose to spend our money;
- having boundaries and asserting them;
- for being in a mood that is anything but a good one;
- for not always being immediately accessible;
- for being a little harmlessly foolish at times;
- for not wanting to do something;
- for a messy/cluttered home;
- for not wanting to continue a relationship;
- for their beliefs;
- for trying something new and not quite getting it right the first time;
- for needing help;
- choosing sleep over a night out;
- for saying what needs to be said.
*But certainly can if, that's your thing. your life your way and don't feel like you need to explain yourself if you don't want to.