Monday, February 12, 2018

Unapologetically Alive...and wondering why kids are eating Tide Pods on purpose.

Everyone's talking about it.

There are silly memes everywhere about it.

Yes.  I'm talking about the Tide Pod Challenge.  It's pretty sad that I've heard of this fad because I don't tend to watch or read the news and although I scroll through my Facebook feed occasionally, I gravitate more toward the lighter side of it. It's kind of my 2018 thing - focusing on the things that lighten the mood and make my soul feel good instead of getting upset about the dramatic and bad.

I'm not sure what else I can really say about this ridiculous challenge that hasn't been said...I mean, my reaction is generally:

I'm not understanding why people are choosing to focus their energy on this. They're teens, I get it. Didn't we all do stupid shit at that age? If I had a teenager at home I'd say: It's dangerous, idiotic and does absolutely nothing to better the world. I mean, it's not even humorous ~ it isn't a comedy show gone wrong where one can derive some sort of enjoyment out of it and we can hope next time the comic hits the mark. It's literally just watching foolish people make themselves sick.

Why not participate in some sort of challenge that will benefit others and yourself? Something that will help you be a better person; something that inspires others to be better people?

Why not get involved in a charity challenge? Who can raise the most money for the charity of their choice!

Why not a fitness challenge? (I am loving these all over my social media feeds! Keep up the amazing work!)

A community service challenge?

A kindness challenge where you focus your energy on encouraging others in their healthy endeavors? (Seriously, it doesn't kill anyone to throw a few nice words at someone for their efforts in trying to lead a healthier lifestyle or hit a GPA goal in college. We could all use some more cheerleaders in our corner.)

A white teeth challenge? (This is one I'm doing for myself, actually! LOL! 2018 is also the year of better self-care for me, including my chompers.)

I'm just throwing off-the-cuff ideas out there but seriously. Why would someone choose to participate in a so-called challenge that has absolutely zero benefit?  At least the ice bucket/ALS challenge that was super popular a few years ago brought some sort of awareness to the disease, as silly as that was. I had never heard of ALS until that challenge and it was reported that the ALS Association reported mega donations from it.

I'm not about to get political, but "Make America Great Again" starts with us, as individuals, and our decisions. What are we going to focus on and put our energy towards? What are we going to inspire others to do?