Monday, November 21, 2016

It was simply time!

I used to be a very active blogger and, well...other things in life got in the way, I became distracted and a blog was viewed as just ONE. MORE. THING to manage.

Life has settled and I'm ready now.  I've been missing it pretty hardcore the past couple of weeks; writing has always felt like home to me. 

So, here I sit on a snowy Monday morning with a dog in my lap, rockin' my bedhead...unapologetically alive. 

Ever since an old friend shouted that at me, drunkenly in a bar, it has stuck with me.  I'm unapologetically alive -  I do what I love, I face challenges and conquer them (even if I don't necessarily succeed), I know what I stand for, I know my worth.

I can only hope that you enjoy my newest foray into blogging ~ that it can inspire you, motivate you, but most of all ~ simply make you feel good about YOU :)